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Game of Thrones

A message from the series “David: After God\’s Heart.” In 1978, firefighters in England went on strike and the British army took over emergency calls. A little old lady from South London called to ask for help getting her cat out of the tree. These temporary firemen got there quickly and rescued the cat. The lady was so grateful, she invited the squad in for tea. Driving off later, with happy goodbyes, they ran over the cat and killed it.

That’s life, isn’t it? Some of it’s good, some bad. Ups and downs. Successes and failures. David’s life was a roller coaster…way up and way down with some loops thrown in for good measure. You might call it “the mess and the movement”. I’s the idea of finding God and embracing him in every situation…not just the good times or not just the bad times.

Consistency…consistently pursuing God’s heart: “I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 1:6

Lost and Found

A message from the series “David: After God\’s Heart.” The reality of sin, the fall, the schemes of Satan, accidents, sickness, failure, can catch us off guard…can knock us down. It can rob us of our joy. As David sat weeping in the ashes of Ziklag with his men plotting to kill him, it seemed as if his prophecy of becoming king would vanish. But David didn’t let tragedy or failure define him…failure and tragedy are events – not an identity.

David knew who he was and where he was going. He turned to the Father, and with God’s help, recovered all. Mourning had turned into dancing. And within months, David would be on the throne.

Finding God in a Cave

A message from the series “David: After God’s Heart.” When we think of David in that cave with his motley crew, we can’t help but think of Jesus. He traded his heavenly throne room for a manger, to live with a bunch of sinners. He took twelve goonies and transformed them into a mighty army. And like David, he established a kingdom…only this one was eternal.

Here we are, the sat upon, spat upon, ratted on. But God doesn’t see what the world sees. If we’ll follow him…if we’ll be men and women after God’s heart, we’ll become mighty men and women of valor, too. My guess is you know someone who’s distressed, indebted, or discontent with life. Why don’t you tell them about Jesus? Our cave’s big enough to take more.

Song of Songs

A message from the series “Guest Speaker: David Wilson.” David Wilson fills in for Pastor Jim with a message on the Song of Solomon.

In the Meantime

A message from the series “David: After God’s Heart.” We live in a fallen world. People fail us – things don’t last. And in our brokenness, we have idols. John Calvin says the heart is an idol factory. “We may infer that the human mind is, so to speak, a perpetual forge of idols.” But God will use our losses to cleanse idols from our hearts. So, let’s be smart and avoid going through the pain. If the Holy Spirit shows us an idol, a crutch in our lives where the Lord should be, let’s get rid of it. Let’s not learn the hard way like David.

Shine Jesus’ Light

A message from the series “Guest Speaker: Jeff Creeach.” We are God’s people called to work together to shine Jesus’ light. We have an enemy that wants to stir up divisions, controversies, anger, hurt, and bitterness. The way we fight that is by holding one another up. Bearing one another’s burdens. Standing for one another in unity of purpose. And our purpose is to shine Jesus’ light—inside and outside the church.

Two Giants

A message from the series “David: After God’s Heart.” I don’t know what battles you face…what keeps you up at night, taunting you. But I promise you, God is bigger! With faith in God and one well placed stone God can take care of it. He’s got you out of messes before, right?! He will do it again. You’re not alone on the battlefield. He promised never to leave you or forsake you…even when you’re facing down Goliath. And…you’ve got us. The battle is the Lord’s!

God’s Man

A message from the series “After God’s Heart: David.” David had developed heroic character…he was a nobody God made into a somebody…and God brought promotion into David’s life. But that didn’t mean this teenager was ready to take over the throne – he wasn’t a hero YET. From the moment David was anointed to when he finally took the throne was a long and difficult time in coming. David would be tried greatly and learn much in the years to come.

This is similar to what the Spirit did for the church in Acts 2…changed them from scared disciples hiding in the upper room to bold witnesses on the streets of Jerusalem. If you desire to be a hero, you need the power of the Spirit in your life. Jesus instilled character in the disciples for three years…they had heroic character. They just needed to be pushed out of the nest. That’s the Holy Spirit’s job – to empower us and push us out of the nest so we can fly.

An Anchor for the Soul

A message from the series “How Firm a Foundation.” With faith, we have an anchor for our souls in turbulent, stormy waters. We’ve seen it over and over again played out in these Bible stories we’ve studied together. If we make our faith an important part of our lives, we’ll live with hope in a seemingly hopeless world. But we must listen and obey. We must share our faith with others. We must continue to grow into the potential and future God has for us. Great faith is something we all can have. God has given us everything we need to get started. Even a tiny mustard seed of faith is enough to grow into something great. Don’t let your faith stop being challenged, pruned, and exercised. Keep pursuing Jesus. Keep growing. Grow a faith that reaches its potential and moves mountains!

Hearing God

A message from the series “Guest Speaker: James Parker.” It seems like God spoke to His people frequently in spectacular ways in the Bible…and it’s true. But He hasn’t stopped. God still speaks to His people today. You can hear His voice. It is simply a matter of recognizing it and positioning ourselves to receive. But that takes practice. James Parker shares practical ways you can prepare and position yourself to receive and hear God speak.

Praying in Faith

A message from the series “How Firm a Foundation.” Prayer is vital to our faith – it helps us keep close to God in a world that constantly tries to separate us from him. I don’t think the world needs more preachers, missionaries, or activists…but we need more people praying. When we have hearts drawn to God; hearts thankful to him; hearts in pursuit of him and his will; hearts that forgive others as we’ve been forgiven; and hearts that long to stay pure…we can see his kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

Faith in Low Places

A message from the series “How Firm a Foundation.” You may have never personally connected with the Samaritan woman in John 4 that Jesus met at the well. But, if you have ever struggled with anxiety, depression, self-worth, and/or sin, you may have discovered something. Jesus went to every low and dark place you were in to find you—not because He was impressed with you, but to get you to admit your need of Him. It didn’t matter how many times you screwed up, He helped you up and gave you another shot. He wasn’t interested in your knowledge or wisdom, He was after your heart. The truth He wanted you to see—and He wants all of us to see—is how much you need Him. Perhaps now you can see this story in a new light. Even tired and worn out, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, talking to the wrong person, breaking the rules of religion and culture, Jesus will come after us.

New Life Church, Denton