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Praying in Faith

A message from the series “How Firm a Foundation.” Prayer is vital to our faith – it helps us keep close to God in a world that constantly tries to separate us from him. I don’t think the world needs more preachers, missionaries, or activists…but we need more people praying. When we have hearts drawn to God; hearts thankful to him; hearts in pursuit of him and his will; hearts that forgive others as we’ve been forgiven; and hearts that long to stay pure…we can see his kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven.

Faith in Low Places

A message from the series “How Firm a Foundation.” You may have never personally connected with the Samaritan woman in John 4 that Jesus met at the well. But, if you have ever struggled with anxiety, depression, self-worth, and/or sin, you may have discovered something. Jesus went to every low and dark place you were in to find you—not because He was impressed with you, but to get you to admit your need of Him. It didn’t matter how many times you screwed up, He helped you up and gave you another shot. He wasn’t interested in your knowledge or wisdom, He was after your heart. The truth He wanted you to see—and He wants all of us to see—is how much you need Him. Perhaps now you can see this story in a new light. Even tired and worn out, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, talking to the wrong person, breaking the rules of religion and culture, Jesus will come after us.

Lessons from a Fig Tree

A message from the series “How Firm a Foundation.” Thanks to a missed breakfast, Jesus taught us an important spiritual truth when He cursed a fig tree: if we don’t bear fruit in life, our faith is useless.
• Looking good is not enough
• God expects fruit and
• There will be an inspection
• Faith is the key
• Doubt can be overcome; and
• Faith gets God’s attention
Let’s pray that God grows our faith from a showy, leafy faith to and authentic and fruitful faith.

Engage Your Faith

A message from the series “How Firm a Foundation.” God is a God who does great things. He heals bodies. He restores marriages. He breaks chains. He cleans up financial messes. But what God is really after is followers…disciples. Jesus is described as healing many people in the Bible…Bartimaeus is one of the few described as following Jesus after his miracle. Here’s a guy to learn from. Life dealt him a bad hand…but he didn’t let that – or people for that matter – keep him away from Jesus. He did what he had to do to bring his faith to Jesus, and Jesus changed his life forever.

Mustard Seed Faith

A message from the series “How Firm a Foundation.” After failing to heal a young boy and drive out those demons, the disciples came to Jesus with a question: “Why couldn’t we do it?” They may have failed, but they wanted to grow. Their faith would grow. And it wouldn’t be long before the demons were running from them!

It was at this point that Jesus explained faith in comparison to a mustard seed. It was easy to have faith when Jesus was around – that’s their mustard seed faith. Problems didn’t seem as big when Jesus was around. Jesus had no shortage of power and every day seemed like a growing experience. What Jesus wanted them to learn was how to have faith when he wasn’t nearby. That’s mountain-moving faith and the faith they would need to change the world.

They had faith. It was just that their faith needed to grow and strengthen. And, of course, the same applies to us. We need a strong faith even on days when it seems Jesus is not close by. We need to remember the promises of God. We need to practice the presence of God. We need to spend time with the people of God. And when we do, our faith will grow, even from the size of a mustard seed.

A God-Given Mulligan

A message from the series “How Firm a Foundation.” The disciples’ first boat ride ended with questions: “…What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the sea obey him!”” (Matthew 8:27, CSB) The second boat ride ended in worship, “…Truly you are the Son of God.” (Matthew 14:33, CSB) In the first storm, Jesus was their last resort. Today he was their saving grace. In other words, they responded in faith the second-go-around.
• They were able to learn from their first try;
• And though it seemed as if Jesus wasn’t with them, he really was;
• They weren’t caught in a situation because of disobedience, they were in God’s will;
• Jesus kept his promises to them;
• And they praised him in the storm.
• Meanwhile, Peter set himself apart and truly began to believe Jesus’ promise that “…Everything is possible for the one who believes.” (Mark 9:23, CSB)

We have much to learn from these men. We will have storms in life and that doesn’t mean we lack faith. These storms are opportunities for growth, for worship. They are opportunities for us to say, “God, this is tough and I feel alone, but I know you’re bigger than this storm. These winds and waves don’t get to tell me ‘No.’ I know you’ll get me through this, because I know you’ve promised. Lord, save me!”


A message from the series “How Firm a Foundation.” Two stories of faith from opposite ends of the spectrum: Jairus, a holy man and an unclean woman with an issue of blood; somebody with standing in society and a nobody. A very public gesture and one that was meant to be a secret. And yet Jesus, no respecter of persons, responds to and rewards both! We’re reminded: It’s not a zero-sum game with Jesus. It’s not like he only has one miracle to give. There’s enough Jesus to go around! But what a world, huh? So much around us to burden the soul! We wish Jairus’ daughter had never gotten sick and died. We wish that dear woman hadn’t had to suffer for 12 years. We wish that people wouldn’t get in the way of our faith. We wish there weren’t people in the world who discouraged faith.

But We rejoice in the fact that even in the face of death, in the face of sickness, in the pressing crowd, even in a mocking and unbelieving world, Jesus is still Jesus. So whatever circumstance you find yourself in – your own situation or that of someone you love – press through the crowd. Get to Jesus. Fall at his feet – and let Jesus be Jesus.

The Faith of a Roman

A message from the series “How Firm a Foundation.” The most unlikely person in Israel to be called a person of great faith, a Roman centurion, was the very person Jesus said had greater faith than he had up to this point. This man followed five simple principles of faith that you and I can use to grow our faith, too:
• Faith begins with a reality check – there are things you cannot control.
• Faith begins by asking. Pray and ask. Keep asking. Ask according to God’s word.
• Faith begins with humility.
• Faith involves understanding the authority of God’s word over circumstances.
• Great faith starts with great love – use your faith for other people!

Stories After Midnight

A message from the series “Guest Speaker: Jeff Tarbox.” Everyone has a story made up of a series of shorter stories that, added together, form a complex whole. Every human story is just part of the greater story of God at work. The Bible is filled with stories, just like ours, filled with plot twists and “midnight moments” when the ending is uncertain and frightening. These stories are easier to tell than they are to live, especially when we know the ending. How we handle our midnight moments can change the world for those around us. In Acts 16, Paul and Silas give us an astounding example of how trusting our fears and doubts to God in the midnight hours of desperation can radically transform the world.

The Family Genes

A message from the series “How Firm a Foundation.” You don’t need “more” faith. You’ve got enough faith. God’s given it to you by his grace. But every one of us here this morning can agree that our faith has room to grow. If that’s you, commit to put these three principles into practice: Practice the presence of God every day…pray, read his word, listen to worship music. Embrace the promises of God…learn his promises, meditate on them, have them at the ready when you will need them. Enjoy the people of God…find a small group or a person that can be an encouragement to you during your challenges – worship weekly with your church family. Don’t be a stranger. Let us walk with you.

The Day the Revolution Began

A message from the series “The Day the Revolution Began.” What happened at Easter? On a surface level, it is pretty clear what happened: betrayal, arrest, nighttime hearings, rough Roman justice, violence, beating, weeping, death, burial. But what was happening at a deeper level?

What did the end of Jesus’ life do to his promise of a kingdom? Was the dream dead? Was the talk about the Kingdom of God finished? Was Jesus’ intention to keep on preaching, teaching, and healing only to be caught in the wrong place at the wrong time?

It leads to a second question. Why did Jesus die?

He’s There, Trust Him

A message from the series “God, Where Are You?.” Just like Michelangelo had a purpose for that crude piece of stone, God has a purpose for you today. Yes, we are earthy, but God has a heavenly purpose. The artist, the Holy Spirit, is conforming us to the image of the Lord. The chisel is sometimes discipline “for the Lord disciplines the one he loves and punishes every son he receives.” (Hebrews 12:6, CSB). The chisel is other times negative circumstances. The mallet is God’s word. And the Lord works it all for our good.

So the answer to our question: God, where are you? He’s there – he hears you. He’s there, embrace him. He’s there, on his holy throne. He’s there, with a purpose. He’s there, trust him. Habakkuk discovered this. The book opens in gloom, and ends in glory. It begins with a question mark and ends with an exclamation point. God, where are you? My friend, God is there!

New Life Church, Denton