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Truth Examined

A message from the series “Grace & Truth.” As believers, truth is everything. We’re called to believe the truth, love the truth, walk in the truth, and to resist the lies of the enemy. And, we’re called to share the truth, like Jesus did, with grace!

Grace Examined

A message from the series “Grace & Truth.” Thank God, even though we were helpless, Jesus came to save us. That is grace.

The Same Coin, Different Side

A message from the series “Grace & Truth.” We live in a world that tends to promote one at the expense of the other. The reality is that if we want to look and act like Jesus, it is not either grace or truth, rather both grace and truth that are needed.

Legend or Legacy

A message from the series “David: After God\’s Heart.” A legend is a famous person in a particular field or who is the center of important historical events. A legacy is something of value handed down to following generations – an inheritance. So, if you had to choose, would you want to make a name for yourself or make a difference in the world?

Reaping the Whirlwind

A message from the series “David: After God\’s Heart.” We will all go through storms. David shows us what can happen if we handle the storm right – through prayer, through a realistic understanding of what’s going on, through holding on to God’s promises, and then through God-infused determination – God can give us the strength to weather any storm.

You Are the Man!

A message from the series “David: After God’s Heart.” There’s a story of little Jimmy who had trouble saying his “R”s so his teacher gave him a sentence to practice at home: “Robert gave Richard a rap in the rib for roasting the rabbit so rare.” A few days later Jimmy’s teacher asked him to share the sentence with her. He said: “Bob punched Dick in the side for not cooking the bunny enough.”

A lot of us, even in the church, go to great lengths to avoid “R” when it refers to repentance. Regret of our sin is a start – that’s mental. Remorse is a bit closer – that’s mental and emotional. But it is repentance God seeks: mental, emotional, and volitional (the will). It’s a change in our lives. David was a man after God’s heart, not because he was never tempted by sin or because he never fell prey to sin. He was a man after God’s heart because he was repentant of that sin. Hopefully, we can learn from his story how to avoid sin in the first place. But just in case we fall short at some point, let’s learn from King David’s repentance.

Grace in Lo-Debar

A message from the series “David: After God’s Heart.” You may be in a place of no pasture…a place of wilderness. It may have been a while since you’ve heard a word from God. Maybe you’re there because you ran away, or you think it’s too late. Maybe you think there’s no hope. You think the injuries you’ve sustained over the years are too great.

Mephibosheth was ashamed of his disability. Ashamed of his family’s heritage. Ashamed of his poverty and how low he had sunk. But none of that mattered to the King.

Today is the day for you to leave Lo Debar. That place not for you. The King has so much more for you. Don’t be ashamed…every one of us in the room today was found there. Because of mercy and grace, we left that place and came into the palace of King Jesus. David had made a promise because of love and he kept it. And because of love, the King of kings makes a promise to you today…and he will most certainly keep it.

So, What’s the Plan?

A message from the series “Guest Speaker: Jeff Tarbox.” Jesus promised us a life of abundant blessing when we follow Him. He never promised an easy, charmed life without unexpected disruptions. In fact, Jesus said we will encounter troubles–we will, most definitely, experience suffering and hard times. However, He does have plans for each of us–plans for our future and prosperity. Those plans are no secret and His ways are not hard. But, they are His plans and if we want to discover what they are, we have to discover them His way in His time by following after Him. He is God. We are not. Everything He does is for His glory. And everything that brings Him glory is for our ultimate good.


A message from the series “David: After God\’s Heart.” Ever wonder what people will say about you at your funeral? What will your tombstone say? If you want an epitaph where God speaks of you like He speaks of King David, “a man after my own heart,” then you need to begin with the end in mind. If you want that spoken of YOU at your funeral, you need to care about what God cares about. You need to do all God wishes of you. To be people after God’s heart, we need to be free. God WANTS us free and that freedom only comes from a relationship with God, obedience to God, and worship of God. Like David, we must bring God back to the central place in our lives. We must go back to the crossroads and ask Him, “What is important to You, Lord?” We must recognize Jesus as not only our friend, but as Lord of our lives.

Game of Thrones

A message from the series “David: After God\’s Heart.” In 1978, firefighters in England went on strike and the British army took over emergency calls. A little old lady from South London called to ask for help getting her cat out of the tree. These temporary firemen got there quickly and rescued the cat. The lady was so grateful, she invited the squad in for tea. Driving off later, with happy goodbyes, they ran over the cat and killed it.

That’s life, isn’t it? Some of it’s good, some bad. Ups and downs. Successes and failures. David’s life was a roller coaster…way up and way down with some loops thrown in for good measure. You might call it “the mess and the movement”. I’s the idea of finding God and embracing him in every situation…not just the good times or not just the bad times.

Consistency…consistently pursuing God’s heart: “I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 1:6

Lost and Found

A message from the series “David: After God\’s Heart.” The reality of sin, the fall, the schemes of Satan, accidents, sickness, failure, can catch us off guard…can knock us down. It can rob us of our joy. As David sat weeping in the ashes of Ziklag with his men plotting to kill him, it seemed as if his prophecy of becoming king would vanish. But David didn’t let tragedy or failure define him…failure and tragedy are events – not an identity.

David knew who he was and where he was going. He turned to the Father, and with God’s help, recovered all. Mourning had turned into dancing. And within months, David would be on the throne.

New Life Church, Denton