The Power of Praise

“Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4) Two ladies went into a graveyard to place some flowers and walked around for a bit. Eventually, they came to a tombstone that read: “Here lies a politician and an honest man.” One lady turned to the other and said, “Too bad […]
An Invitational Command
“Praise the Lord, all you servants of the Lord who minister by night in the house of the Lord. Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord.” (Psalm 134:1–2) When we started this study of the fifteen Songs of Ascent in the Book of Psalms, we began our journey in Psalm 120. […]
The Throne of God (Rev 4:2)

We shall worship in heaven one day along with the living creatures, the elders, the angels, and all the redeemed. Why wait, dear ones? This is an experience of heaven we don’t have to postpone.
Surprise Exclamations of Praise (Eph. 3:20-21)

Have you ever been awestruck with God? It was a frequent experience of the authors and main characters of the Bible….We see Paul recording such an experience at the end of today’s chapter.
“When he came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives, the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen: “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!” […]
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Acts 16:22-25 (NIV) 22 The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas, and the magistrates ordered them to be stripped and beaten. 23 After they had been severely flogged, they were thrown into prison, and the jailer was commanded to guard them carefully. 24 Upon receiving such orders, he put them in the […]