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Dr. Jim Mann - 03/21/2021

Jesus' Authority

In the Bible, there is a pattern to the work of the church. 1) The church, as it goes, acts in power from a place of authority. 2) The devil responds. 3) The church is emboldened further and the kingdom expands. It’s time for an honest assessment: Does that sound like the church today? Yes, sometimes. But mostly we’re holed up in our saferooms we meet at on Sundays. We read the papers and we see what Paul called the world powers of this darkness, and the spiritual forces of evil in the heavens expanding, but not the kingdom of God. Does the church have a hold of the steering wheel with no engine? Do we have the engine fired up, but no ability to steer to the destination? Can we even find the car keys?

Scripture References: Luke 7:1-10

From Series: "Ekklesia: Recovering the Church's Relevance"

The Church was created by God to transform the world. In many ways it has. But has the church lost its influence of late? With all her technology, affluence, buildings, and knowledge…why? Join us as we examine the Church’s God-given purpose, design, and authority.

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