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Dr. Jim Mann - 09/12/2021

The Peace of God

Have you ever heard of a perfect storm? That’s when multiple weather elements combine – like hurricane force winds plus a cold front plus a downpour of rain. It creates disaster. We’ve been talking about worry, stress, and anxiety. These things are inevitable. And in life, most of us can handle one challenge at a time. But when it’s a pandemic plus a lockdown. A layoff plus a recession. Marriage issues plus sheltering in place. Political turmoil plus racial division. Or all at the same time…and add your kids home from school. One wave after another pounds us and we wonder: “Will I survive?” There’s good news for us as we combat the “perfect storm” God promises us perfect peace.

Scripture References: Philippians 4:7

From Series: "Worried Sick"

Are you anxious? Do you worry? We are facing a true pandemic of worry in our world right now. The self-help aisle of the bookstore has row upon row of books on the topic, but there is only one place to find a solution. God’s Word gives clear and practical steps to overcome worry in life.

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