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Dr. Jim Mann - 12/05/2021

Mary's Miracle

Two millennia ago, God did a redemptive miracle in Mary. And because she was a willing vessel, God redeemed the world through her Son, Jesus. God wants to do a redemptive miracle in you and through you as well. It may seem impossible – but remember, nothing is impossible with God. But in order for this to happen, we must first be open to God’s divine possibilities for our lives and respond to his invitation. Are you open to God’s move? Are you listening for his voice? God has wonderful plans for you. And perhaps the bigger question…Like Mary, are you willing to say “yes?”

Scripture References: Luke 1:26-38, 2 Chronicles 16:9

From Series: "Tidings of Comfort and Joy"

Two millennia ago, nine months before the first Christmas, a miracle took place in the village of Nazareth. Mary said yes to God, and the virgin was with child. Two millennia later, God wants to birth a miracle in you. Will you say yes? In this sermon series, “Tidings of Comfort and Joy,” we’ll explore Mary’s miracle and learn how to accept, conceive, and deliver the miraculous in our own lives.

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