Livestream will be delayed due to church's internet service provider outage. Watch Facebook for updates.

North Campus

Nursery, Preschool, Kids’ Life available

Come early to enjoy a fresh cup of coffee and sweet fellowship in the cafe and on the veranda. Your kids will love children’s church and you’ll feel safe checking them in to our secure computer system. In the worship service, you’ll feel comfortable wearing jeans and a t-shirt, a suit and tie, or anything in-between. Music is upbeat and contemporary, while incorporating old hymns with a modern sound. Feel free to pursue God through dancing, lifting your hands, singing, or being still during worship. You’ll find the message to be relevant and easy to understand, humorous and thought-provoking, and biblically sound.

Robson Ranch

New Life Church is proud to be a part of that community experience since 2004. Our desire is to add a spiritual dynamic to the already close community life.

Worship with friends in an inter-denominational setting without leaving the Robson campus. Experience a traditional worship service, hear the uncompromised Word of God and connect with fellow residents on a deeper, spiritual level. 

Come early for coffee, donuts, and smiles.