The Exaltation of the Lamb (Rev 5:8-10)

Some people say they have little interest in heaven, “because all you do is sit around and worship Jesus.” I’m pretty sure they’ve never had much of a glimpse of the Jesus who is worshipped.
A Prayer for Good Friday 2015
A Prayer for Good Friday 2015 Lord Jesus, Lamb of God, slain for the sin of the whole world, with penitent hearts we come to your cross, pleading for mercy and forgiveness. Our sins—and they are many—have added to the burden of your suffering and have nailed you to the accursed tree. For us you […]
Agnus Dei
Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) by Francisco de Zurberan I woke up this morning thinking of a Wednesday years ago in which Judas secretively took leave of his friends to sell his soul and sell out Jesus for a few pieces of silver. Monday, long ago, Jesus cursed the fig tree, reminding me that God […]