Dangerous Freedom?

Dear Family Legacy, How do I set parameters related to our family’s faith in a secular environment? ~ Dangerous freedom? Dear Dangerous Freedom, That’s a good question. You’re kids are being bombarded by things through school, media, friends, that aren’t necessarily good for them (understate things much?). Of course we want to protect them. On […]
Instilling Hope
Instilling Hope Over the course of the past month or so we’ve been talking with the 1st through 5th graders in Kid’s Church on Sunday mornings about how God gives us hope – hope through Jesus, hope in heaven, hope in the resurrection… knowing the hope we have in God. In the New Testament, the […]
Talking With God
Talking with God Today I wanted to take a minute to let you know about our next Family Legacy Workshop coming up soon! The workshop will be held on Wednesday, May 21st, from 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm here at New Life Church. I hope you can attend this dynamic workshop, and would encourage you to […]
Protecting Their Heart
In our first Family Legacy Workshop, now over 6 weeks ago, we talked about spiritual safety. One thing we explored was how spiritual safety protects our heart. And one of our assignments as parents (or any adult who relates to kids), is to protect the hearts of our children. Our heart is that special place […]
Seeking Approval
Seeking approval from others is very common in children, and in most of the rest of us, too! However, I want to suggest that needing another’s approval is not only common, but also very healthy – a desire that God Himself created in us! Does that surprise you? It might, in a culture where we […]
Courageous Faith
Legacy Parents: Frequently, when we talk about “courageous faith”, we may think about sharing Jesus with strangers, or spending time on the mission field in a third-world country… What I’d like us to talk about today is demonstrating courageous faith at home! How openly do we talk about our own faith with our kids? Sure, […]
Legacy Parents: As you begin this week, what plans have you made for you and your family? What activities do you have on your calendar, what commitments have you already blocked out, what events are going on, what action items are on your to-do lists, what tasks have you scheduled? As we enter another busy […]
Keep It Simple…
If you remember, at our last Family Legacy Workshop (and our first!), we defined Spiritual Legacy – for the purposes of these workshops – as this: Generational faith that is learned, owned, and taught from parent to child, and from parent to child, through multiple generations. Has this been your personal experience? Is part of […]