Dangerous Freedom?

Dear Family Legacy, How do I set parameters related to our family’s faith in a secular environment? ~ Dangerous freedom? Dear Dangerous Freedom, That’s a good question. You’re kids are being bombarded by things through school, media, friends, that aren’t necessarily good for them (understate things much?). Of course we want to protect them. On […]
Turning Teenagers’ Hearts toward God

Dear Family Legacy, when a kid is a teenager, if they don’t want to spend time with God, do you make them? How do you handle that without making them resent you or God? ~ Wary Mom Dear Wary Mom, Great question! Every Christian parent wants his/her child to have a personal relationship with the […]
Discipline vs. Grace?

Dear Family Legacy, Where do I draw the line with my kids between discipline and grace? ~ Good Cop, Bad Cop Dear Good Cop: Good question. First, let’s define some terms so we’re both on the same page. • Discipline: to train (someone) to obey rules or a code of behavior. • Grace: often used […]