Mondoe Davis - 09/18/2022
The V.I.S.O.R. Cycle of Success
Scripture References: Deuteronomy 7:9, Genesis 37:5-11, Genesis 37:23-36, Genesis 39:1-9, Genesis 41:1-4, Genesis 41:25-40
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CloseMondoe Davis is a Pastor, Speaker, Author and Entrepreneur. He is passionate about helping people discover their purpose and fulfill their God-given destiny. He believes the world would be a better place if every one of us got into alignment for our God given assignment. When Mondoe was 16 years old, he attended a youth Bible Study in Newport News, Virginia, where his eyes were opened to his desperate need for a Savior. He realized God had a bigger plan for his life. He desires for everyone to discover that plan for themselves. Mondoe was a professional football player in the NFL with the N.Y. Jets and Wellness Consultant before entering into full time ministry. He holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from the University of Delaware and a master’s degree in public administration with a concentration in urban affairs and public policy from the University of Delaware. He furthered his studies at Rhema Bible College and graduated with a concentration in pastoral studies. He and his lovely wife, Lisa have been married since May 14, 2006, and they have 10 children.
Scripture References: Deuteronomy 7:9, Genesis 37:5-11, Genesis 37:23-36, Genesis 39:1-9, Genesis 41:1-4, Genesis 41:25-40
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