Dr. Jim Mann - 05/19/2018
Philip: It All Adds Up

Scripture References: John 1:44
From Series: "XII - The Twelve"
The Twelve. Discover how Jesus took twelve ordinary men and changed the world – and how he wants to do the same through you.
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CloseA country in tumultuous times and at a spiritual crossroads. Though this could easily describe our nation today, this is the description of Israel during the life of Jeremiah. In Dr. Jim Mann’s new sermon series, Appointed: Reflections on the Prophet Jeremiah, we will explore some of the timely messages from the “weeping prophet.” As we learn more about Jeremiah and his ministry, we’ll discover what it means to truly serve God and to be fully, genuinely human.
Scripture References: John 1:44
More Messages from Dr. Jim Mann | Download Audio
The Twelve. Discover how Jesus took twelve ordinary men and changed the world – and how he wants to do the same through you.
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