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Dr. Jim Mann - 09/08/2019

Swirling around the Drain

Judges: Broken Heroes

Our search for a king must move beyond human wisdom. In the 21st Century our leaders would do well to read and study the book of Judges. If we learn anything from judges, our problems aren’t political…they are spiritual. So we must look for spiritual solutions. We must look to the Greatest King…and Ultimate Judge.

Scripture References: Judges 19:1-30, Judges 20:1-48

From Series: "Judges: Broken Heroes"

After the death of Israel’s great leader, Joshua, Israel was in the land God promised them. “In those days, Israel had no king; everyone did as he saw fit.” In the tumultuous 300 year history described in the book of Judges, a cycle appears and reappears: sin, judgment, salvation…and back to sin. Throughout, God raises men and women as instruments of his salvation – but each hero proves to be broken and flawed, reminding us that only God can provide a perfect savior.

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