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Dr. Jim Mann - 06/27/2021

Buy A Sword

It is no longer popular to follow Jesus. The time of goodwill shown to Jesus’ followers is no more. Following him could now get you into trouble…so get ready for trouble. I bring this up to tell you, “If you don’t have a sword, sell your robe and buy one!” But don’t hear me like the disciples heard Jesus. This is not a call to arms – it is a call to spiritual warfare. I remember not too long ago when churches were full on Sundays and the Christian worldview dominated our discussions. But the U.S. is full-on post-Christian now. Now, we are numbered with the transgressors. So Jesus’ message to the disciples back then, and to us today is simply this: “Deal with it.” This is where we are.

Scripture References: Luke 22:35-38

From Series: "Buy a Sword"

This is a stand-alone message by Pastor Jim Mann.

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