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Dr. Jim Mann - 02/28/2021

Jesus' Church

It wasn’t buildings or scheduled, centralized meetings Jesus established when he established his church. It was people. The ekklesia…the called-out ones, empowered by the Holy Spirit, authorized by Jesus to attack the gates of hell. They were to go out in the community, to reveal God’s light in a dark world, to preserve and save a rotting and lost world, to inject the leaven into the dough of society and watch it spread…so that first people, then cities, and eventually nations would be discipled. The church expanded God’s Kingdom.

Scripture References: Matthew 16:18-19, Matthew 18:17-20

From Series: "Ekklesia: Recovering the Church's Relevance"

The Church was created by God to transform the world. In many ways it has. But has the church lost its influence of late? With all her technology, affluence, buildings, and knowledge…why? Join us as we examine the Church’s God-given purpose, design, and authority.

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