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Dr. Jim Mann - 12/11/2022

God with Dark and Dangerous Places

In the hymn for which this sermon series is named, we sing “O come Desire of nations, bind all peoples in one heart and mind; bid envy, strife, and quarrels cease; fill the whole world with heaven’s peace.” Judah was in a dark and dangerous place. Nations had conspired against her and they were about to be invaded. Their king had no regard for God. Though the whole nation gave lip service to God, there was really only a small constituency of true believers…a remnant. I don’t think we would begrudge God if he were to let Judah get what she deserved. But God had other plans. He promised deliverance from the immediate threat and a sign for the future. Friend, you may be in a dark and dangerous place yourself. Christmas is sometimes difficult with financial issues, family issues, loneliness. I think the Lord would say to you today: “Be careful, keep calm, and don’t be afraid…don’t lose heart…stand firm in your faith.” Don’t look for natural solutions…Don’t rely on you own strength or wits. Don’t look for another person to bail you out. Turn to God. He will take care of you.

Scripture References: Isaiah 7:1-14

From Series: "O Come, O Come, Immanuel"

“Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14) The distance between mortal and divine is a hallmark of most ancient religions. That’s why God’s promise of Emmanuel – “God with us” – is so shocking. It’s His promise to “never leave you nor forsake you.” Join us for “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” as we prepare our hearts for Christmas and unpack Isaiah’s amazing prophecy of Jesus. We’ll discover He is God with us…in the far-away places, in the gloomy places, and in the dangerous places.

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