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Dr. Jim Mann - 12/15/2019

Does God Care?

A Weary World Rejoices

Because of Jesus, we can trust that God truly understands our condition. We can trust that we matter to God, and more than that, God cares, regardless of how things look at the time. When we begin to doubt, we turn again to the face of Jesus, and there we see the compassionate love of God, well acquainted with grief. 2,000 years ago, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us – not to stay a baby in a manger, but to grow up. To live, even to suffer with us in the frailty of humanity. But there was a purpose behind the suffering. Jesus suffered. But we can prosper through it. Why do bad things happen? We may never know this side of heaven. Does God care? The answer is found in the manger that first Christmas where the Suffering Servant was born.

Scripture References: Isaiah 53:1-12

From Series: "A Weary World Rejoices"

We don’t talk much about utopia anymore. Today, our movies are more than likely dystopian…post-apocalyptic worlds full of suffering and injustice…without any heroes. God changed that when “the Word became flesh” and lived among us. He changes that each year when we let him enter our lives during the Christmas season. Open your hearts with us each week through December at New Life Church for Dr. Jim Mann’s sermon series “A Weary World Rejoices.”

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