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Dr. Jim Mann - 01/05/2020

Contend for the Faith

A Faith Worth Fighting For

You are called, loved, and kept. Why is this important? Apparently, God thinks that before we go into battle, it is imperative that we know who we are first. If you’re not sure God has called you – you’ll cower in fear. If you’re not sure God loves you - you’ll waver in your faith. If you’re not sure God is keeping you – you’ll surrender when the battle gets tough. You’ve got a red dragon to battle in your life this week. It may be an addiction, a temptation, greed, anger, self-righteousness, or pride. Whatever it is, you can’t give a good fight – you can’t be a contender – if you don’t know who you are. Who are you? You are called by God, you are loved by him, and you have his protection.

Scripture References: Jude 1:1-3, Isaiah 66:2, 1 Corinthians 1:26-31, John 3:16, Jeremiah 31:3, John 17:11-12, Romans 8:37-39

From Series: "A Faith Worth Fighting For"

Many folks are in denial of the destructive cultural trends of the day. Others see the quick escalation and determine that resistance is useless. In the middle of all this is the little New Testament letter of Jude who urges believers to “contend for the faith.” Join New Life Church as Dr. Jim Mann leads through the study of this book in his sermon series “A Faith Worth Fighting For.”

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