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Dr. Jim Mann - 11/29/2020

God Moves Unexpectedly

God Moves

Friends, don’t put God in a box! Don’t miss the move of God in your life. Where do you need him to move? In your marriage? In your finances? In your health? In your relationships? In our nation? Maybe, like many of us here this morning, you just need God to move in your heart – to fan into flame those dying embers. God remembers. He knows where you are and what you need. And he WILL move if you ask him.

Scripture References: Luke 1:1-80, Luke 2:1-52

From Series: "God Moves"

God has moved throughout human history: reformations, revivals, great awakenings. But God’s greatest move is found in the old, familiar Christmas story. Does God still intervene in human history? Does he repeat himself? How does he move? Christmas is the perfect time to ask these questions.

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