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CloseDr. Joseph Oppong - 02/09/2014

Sunday was an important day for our church. You may have missed it because of the weather, or because you were serving somewhere else in the building, or just because – but I don’t want you miss the pivotal importance of what happened. We finished our “I Heart My Church” sermon series by talking about church membership – why it is important to God and why it is important for you. At the end of the service, I encouraged everyone to renew their membership covenant to the church or to join the New Life Family for the first time. The response was tremendous as the front of the Living Room was filled with people standing in lines to sign church covenant books. I believe this will have major impact on both us members and the church. We want you to be a part of that, too. So take 25 minutes and listen to the message from Sunday, read the membership covenant, and then respond to the link below – you can “sign” the membership covenant online (just like they did when the church started 2,000 years ago!) The Lord has shown us that this is a significant step forward…won’t you join us? Pastor Jim View & Sign the Membership Covenant
Scripture References: 2 Samuel 23:11-12
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