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Love is Kind

Love is patient, love is kind. …it is not self-seeking… (1 Corinthians 13:4-5, NIV)

We are halfway through “31 Days of Kindness” today at noon.  For me, it has been an eye-opening, introspective fifteen days.  On the one hand, I have discovered I’m a pretty nice guy.  I really do enjoy doing nice things for people.

But I have learned something else about myself, too.  Something I probably won’t put on my next press release.

I am a selfish person.

I’m not mean. I’m not angry. I’m not rude.  Like I say, I actually enjoy helping people.  The problem is that I often don’t remember to be nice.  If an opportunity arises I will be kind – but I’m not out looking for opportunities. I don’t think about being kind to other people because I’m consumed with something else: Myself.  I spend my day thinking about my problems and their solutions, focusing on the things I care about, contemplating what God’s doing in my life, etc.  I wonder if you have done this in the last fifteen days: You’re lying in bed at night thinking back over the day, searching to find something to classify as your “kind deed” for the day.  “Oh yeah, I opened the door for the guy who had his hands full…that’s kind, right?”

We’ve probably all done that – which is the point of this kindness exercise.  God’s character is love – and he wants that to be our character as well.  Love is best expressed as we reach out to others (kindness) and put them first (not self-seeking).  I’m not great at it…but I’ve discovered I enjoy it.  I’m praying that before the next fifteen days are done, this will become a habit in my life.

I want to hear your stories.  What has God done through an act of kindness?  Let me know…email me at


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