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It’s All in the Timing

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

In Ecclesiastes 3, Solomon, “the Searcher,” discusses the “Law of Timing.” He tells us there exists an appointed time for everything “under heaven (see Eccles. 3:1-8).”

Then he gives this great list, birth, death, planting, reaping, weeping, laughing, and so on.

We don’t control the timing of most events; the best we can do is to recognize the timing.

  • It is our responsibility to recognize God’s timing, not change it.
  • It is our responsibility to accept and cooperate with God’s timing.
  • Our alignment with God’s timing makes a huge difference in finding “satisfaction” in life which is the “gift of God (Eccles. 3:13).”
  • We should be on the lookout every day for the beauty God’s placed in this world (Eccles. 3:10).
  • Since “eternity” has been set in our hearts, we should trust God and communicate with him about his timing (Eccles. 3:11).
  • We can do nothing better during our lifetime than to rejoice and do good (Eccles. 3:22).

So, this week, embrace what’s going on in your world, look for beauty (despite the challenges), pray to the Lord about your situation, and make a decision to have a great day!

I’ll see you Sunday!


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