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Legend or Legacy?

For David, after serving God’s purpose in his own generation, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers, and decayed,” (Acts 13:36)

I spend a little time on social media – well, Facebook…social media for old folks. We’re probably all chasing the adrenaline rush of getting likes and followers. In fact, in a recent poll of 18-25 year olds, 1 in 3 say that they are willing to sacrifice jobs and relationships to become famous. 40% of all adults say they would like to be “more famous.”

Over the last few months, we’ve been talking about Israel’s most famous King and it brings a question to mind: Would you rather be a legend or leave a legacy? What’s the difference?

A legend is a famous person in a particular field or who is the center of important historical events. A legacy is something of value handed down to following generations – an inheritance. So, if you had to choose, would you want to make a name for yourself or make a difference in the world?

When Paul was speaking about David in Acts 13 he says David served God’s purpose in his generation. David’s purpose was to be Israel’s king and encourage the nation of Israel toward righteousness.  According to Paul he fulfilled it. As we’ve been digging into his life together, we know he didn’t do it perfectly. But he did it, nevertheless. He left a lasting, positive legacy for Israel.

Israel’s first king, Saul, cared most about what people thought of him. He was a living legend – Israel’s first king, taller, stronger, more handsome than all his countrymen. But his legacy died with him on the battlefield.

When David’s time came, we read: “He died at a good old age, full of days, riches, and honor, and his son Solomon became king in his place.” (1 Chronicles 29:28, CSB)

If I get to choose, that’s the way I want to go and what I want said of me.

When a man or woman after God’s heart dies, nothing of God dies. We pass along hope in spite of human failings. We pass along courage in the midst of fear. We show humility in the midst of success. We exemplify praise, even in the times of despair.

That is a legacy worth leaving.

See you Sunday!


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