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Now the serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, ‘Did God really say…?’” (Genesis 3:1)

We live in a strange age, don’t we? You have in your pocket a smart phone that is one million times more powerful that the Apollo 11 guidance computers. Current numbers show that all human knowledge is doubling about every 13 months. So, whatever you knew last January is obsolete in January 2022.

We live in an age where not knowing an answer to a question is unacceptable. The other day, Chris and I were at a restaurant and a song was playing in the background. We couldn’t remember who sang it – so she pulled out her phone, opened an app, and it told us in seconds.

Where’s the cheapest gas? Look it up. How many ounces in a cup? Hey Siri…Alexa…or just go straight to the source: “Jeff Bezos, is it going to rain today?”

But here’s the irony. We have so much information at the tips of our fingers, yet we tend to avoid the “big” questions in life. The Bible’s full of these big questions, and we’ll be discussing them in my new sermon series, “Searching: Answering Life’s Big Questions.”

Sunday, we’ll look at a question asked by Satan. But sometimes God is the one who asks the big question. Sometimes it’s a prophet or an angel asking the big question. Regardless of the questioner, God has included these questions for a reason: He wants us to know the answers.

Join us this Sunday for, “Did God Really Say?”


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New Life Church, Denton