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On the Potter’s Wheel

At New Life Church, we’re studying the book of Jeremiah together this summer.  The central question of the book is whether or not a society can live with complete disregard for moral and spiritual truth and not suffer the consequences of wickedness?  It was a question worth asking back in 600 B.C., and a question […]

God and the Fairness Doctrine

“Lord, you always give me justice when I bring a case before you. So let me bring you this complaint: Why are the wicked so prosperous? Why are evil people so happy?“ (Jeremiah 12:1, NLT)  Did your daddy tell you growing up that life isn’t fair?  Mine did.  He always said it as kind of […]

Terror Prayer

Terrorism, as a term, dates back to 18th Century France…but they didn’t invent it.  It has been around since biblical times. The word terrorisme means “to frighten.”  Sun-tzu, the master Chinese warrior from 2100 BC wrote in his book The Art of War, “Kill one, frighten 10,000.”  The Assyrians and Babylonians, during Jeremiah’s day, were […]

God-Shaped Holes

““My people have committed a compound sin: they’ve walked out on me, the fountain of fresh flowing waters, and then dug cisterns— cisterns that leak, cisterns that are no better than sieves. “ (Jeremiah 2:13, The Message) Blaise Pascal famously said that we humans were created with a God-shaped hole in our souls. This longing/desire […]

Missing God?

“To what can I compare this generation?”  That was the rhetorical question Jesus asked his followers.  The answer: “They are like children sitting in the marketplaces and calling out to others: “‘We played the flute for you, and you did not dance; we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn.’” (Matthew 11:16-17, NIV) I […]

New Life Church, Denton