Yesterday we went to the high school. I was blown away by the vision of pastor Dongo. What had once been a plot of jungle was now an incredible campus. They have 300 students and are building another floor as fast as they can. By the way, it is about $100k to build a floor! American dollars go a LONG way here.
“Educate a woman, educate a nation”. This is a sign outside the women’s dormitory at the God Cares High School and it is also my dream for the women of Uganda! Today we had the opportunity to speak during the God Cares High School chapel. These students are true worshippers who love with everything they have! The Lord gave Christine a word for the young women during her time with him this morning and she had an opportunity to share it before Jim spoke. In Luke 9 we read the story of the transfiguration. After the Transfiguration, the Lord spoke to the disciples saying, “This is my Son, Listen to Him!” The disciples pondered all that had happened in their hearts. The Lord spoke to me through this passage for these young women something along these lines. “Stop! Listen. You believe and the Lord is solidifying your beliefs. You must rest, abide in him and allow him to speak you. Then he will affirm his word and encourage you. He is going to give you vision and a plan for your life. You are world changers, Uganda changers, life changers but you need to get his vision. Allow this word to ruminate in your hearts and let the Lord plant it deep within. Ponder it and let it come to pass!” Please continue to pray for the young women of Uganda.
After this prophetic word, Jim preached a message about overcoming limitations and pushing toward the prize that God has for us. It really hit home. We then had the opportunity to meet a group of young people that take their lunch time to pray – and what praying we did! It was such a wonderful experience. They asked us to share and Christine prayed for them and I prophesied over them.
We drove back to the primary school after this. I can’t really describe driving in Uganda…imagine the old “crash-up derbies” on roads full of potholes and motorcycles and you’re getting close. Oh, and no lanes or traffic lights or rules. This will enhance your prayer life for sure.
At the primary school we were attacked by children. Christine has a gaggle of sixth grade girls who just follow her around and ask her question after question. They especially love it when I tell them they are beautiful…don’t think they’ve ever heard this befrore.
Our construction process continues. Today we will pour concrete to erect the metal posts for the school building we are making…it will be two more classes – much needed space. Jim worked so hard the first day – earning him MVP status – and then the next day: old man status!
One last story: The orphanage (houses 300, educates 900) was purchased by a Houston attorney at the death of his wife. He heard Dongo speak and in tears wrote a check for $500K saying, “My wife and I always wanted children, now we have very many.” May the Lord bless kingdom people like this – their impact on eternity won’t be known this side of heaven.
Pray for us today…I (Jim) haven’t been feeling great – flulike symptoms. Today I minister to Pastor Dongo’s staff on leadership principles. Tomorrow, Christine has a small women’s conference. Sunday I will preach in church and we (Christine and I) head home.